Iron removal from troublesome waters/bore waters. Reverse Osmosis for water heavy in salts and TDS. Water Management Plans.

Iron removal from troublesome waters/bore waters. Reverse Osmosis for water heavy in salts and TDS. Water Management Plans.
A complete Brewery and Winery production wastewater treatment system for disposal to local sewer or onsite irrigation. Licensing approvals with DoH, DWER and Local Shires. Restaurant wastewater systems for sewage treatment including design, build and drawings for Licensing.
Wastewater Treatment Plants and Reverse Osmosis for potable drinking water.
Australian Water Technologies has a long and productive relationship with the mining industry. We not only build and supply Wastewater Treatment for mining camps and remote onsite offices, heavy metal filtration, Reverse Osmosis for potable water, Nitrate removal and Water Chemistry, but we provide a comprehensive Consultancy on Water Management and how mining companies can capitalise on the advanced water saving techniques and technologies that are changing and evolving every year.
Large scale regional Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Nitrate removal.
Reverse Osmosis for potable drinking water.